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Current Location: 首页 - Foreign trade school - Common sense of foreign trade

Import and export international trade, often can come into contact with some important terms are what?

  1.International trade documents are referred to inImport and export tradeFiles and certificates used in services。The buyer and seller shall handle the delivery, transportation, insurance, commodity inspection and exchange settlement of the goods by these documents。

  2.The internal list includes the relevant documents submitted to the customs for export procedures, such as the export license for the export goods declaration, the insurance policy applied to the insurance company, the consignment documents required to charter the ship and book the space from the carrier, the inspection documents required for commodity inspection, etc。Except in a few cases, these documents are mainly submitted to the relevant domestic agencies or departments (such as customs, commodity inspection bureaus, insurance companies) and are therefore called internal documents。

  3.External documents are documents required to point to the bank for payment or to collect from the buyer, also known as forex documents。Generally speaking, these documents should eventually be submitted to the foreign securities bank or the buyer, so they are called external documents, including commercial documents, transportation documents, insurance documents, financial documents and other documents。

  4.The basic process of document copying: certification, document making, document review, document submission, filing。

  5.International trade commercial invoice is referred to as invoice。An invoice is a list of the name, quality, quantity and price of the goods issued by the seller (exporter) to the buyer (importer)。Is the buyer and seller delivery settlement of the main documents。

  6.The packinglist is the packinglist, which focuses on the packaging of the goods。Under letters of credit and collections, packing lists are generally required, except for bulk goods。

  Packingdocuments are attachments to commercial invoices. They refer to documents that record or describe the packaging of goods。

  7.According to the packing list, the weight list focuses on the weight of the goods。

  8.The measurementlist focuses on the volume of the packaged goods, the package size of each item, and the total size。

  9.A sea bill of lading (B/L) is a certificate of a particular cargo issued by the master, carrier or his agent that permits the shipment of the cargo to a particular destination and delivery to the consignee。

  10.Freightprepaid (Freightocollect)。

  11.An insurance policy, also known as a big policy, is a formal insurance contract signed between the policyholder and the insurance company。Insurance clause is the basis for the insurer to collect insurance premium from the insured, and is the main evidence for the insured to claim compensation from the insured after the occurrence of an insured accident。

  12.Certificateof Origin (C /O) refers to the certificate oforigin provided by the exporter according to the requirements of the importer, the notarial institution, the government or the exporter issued a certificate to prove the origin or the place of manufacture of the goods。

  13.The General System of Preferences, referred to as the generalized System of preferences, is a general, non-discriminatory and non-reciprocal tariff preference system granted by developed countries to developing countries for their exports of finished and semi-finished products (including some primary products)。

  The GSP Certificate of origin is the official certificate that the beneficiary country enjoys the GSP tariff reduction treatment when exporting to the most favoured country。GSP Certificate of origin is equivalent to a marketable security。


  If the country of import is the United States, exporters need to apply for a general certificate of origin。If the importing country is not the United States, exporters need to apply for an inclusive certificate of origin。Generally speaking, the country of origin is most favored nation treatment。Inclusive certificates of origin will reduce tariffs on most-favored-nation treatment。

  14.The exit goods inspection list is established by the State according to the needs of inspection and quarantine departments to ensure the standardization and procedures of inspection and quarantine work。The applicant shall, in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations or written certificates of inspection and quarantine of certain goods by the contract inspection and inspection agency。

  15.The commodity inspection certificate is a legally valid certificate issued by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau as a state administrative organ after the inspection and appraisal of import and export commodities。It is the basis to prove whether the goods delivered by the seller conform to the provisions of the contract, and it is also an effective proof of customs clearance and inspection。

  16.The declaration form for export goods means that the consignee or consignor of the export goods or his agent shall declare in writing the actual situation of the export goods in the form prescribed by the Customs, and require the customs to complete the customs clearance procedures in accordance with the applicable customs system。

  17.Draft (Billofexchangeordraftormoneyorder) is a drawer in sight or specified date unconditionally to the payee or bearer a pay a certain amount of the bill。

  18.Export license refers to the export goods with export quantity limitation or other restrictions approved by the issuing authority authorized by the Ministry of Commerce。

  19.Remittance, Remittance, also known as remittance, means that the payer takes the initiative to remit money to the payee through the bank or other means。If the payment for international trade is a remittance, the buyer will usually transfer the payment to the seller through the bank according to the terms agreed in the contract。

  20.Colection refers to a settlement method in which an importer draws a commercial bill of exchange and entrusts a bank to collect the payment from the importer through settlement。

  21.Letterof Credit (Letterofcreditl/C) refers to the written guarantee document issued by the issuing bank to the beneficiary at the request of the applicant buyer and in accordance with its instructions, and the payment is made in accordance with the specified documents within a certain period of time。In short, a letter of credit is a written document issued by a bank with conditional acceptance of payment。

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